Why You Should Get Rid Of Bees Without Killing Them

Buzzing bees in your garden is a good sign that your yard is thriving, but their notorious stinging is definitely a cause for concern! Rather than fearing bees, it’s important to embrace them and consider the good that they do for our ecosystem. You may not want a hive in your yard, which is completely understandable, but you can get rid of bees without harming them in any way. The following information is hopefully enough to convince you that these pollinators are a necessity and their declining numbers require your due diligence and assistance.
Compelling Reasons To Avoid Killing Bees
In order for plants and animals to survive on our planet, bees are needed. They have an important role to play in our functioning environment, and as such, preserving their species is an important mission. Bees are our future and safeguarding them is the only way to ensure a brighter tomorrow. Here are just some of the more compelling reasons to get rid of bees via a removal service versus pesticides:
*Bees are a crucial part of our economy as their hives contribute to the manufacturing of honey. Their honey isn’t just organic, but it’s used as an ingredient in many beauty products as well as foodstuffs, making it an ideal and organic replacement for common man made chemicals. As such, honey is also a vital part of our economy and many small businesses and entrepreneurs rely on it to help manufacture their products. In fact, a staggering statistic has revealed that $577 billion of global crops are attributed to the use of honey in some manner.
*Bees Keep Our Ecosystem Alive
These pollinators are the only way to keep the plants in our ecosystem alive. From fruit trees and berry bushes to nuts and crops, they’re responsible for pollinating a good deal more than your garden! What’s more, these plants are also home to other insects that our environment needs in order to thrive. As you can see, the absence of bees can have far-reaching environmental effects!
*Intensified Need For Monoculture
Modern food production is actually one of the most lucrative industries in our modern world. However, as an answer to declining natural resources and a need for raw materials, many companies are taking on large-scale monoculture farming. This type of farming requires the planting of an invasive plant species on an acre of land. It also means that this monoculture crop has just destroyed another species of plant as it doesn’t allow for other types of growth. The way this translates to the declining of bees is that they will no longer have access to the nectar required by them to manufacture honey.
What You Can Do To Support Bees
Other than boycotting products that are harmful to the bee population, you can also take matters into your own hands by protecting the bees in your garden. Instead of using harmful pesticides or chemicals to remove bees from your yard, hire a reputable and professional bee removal service in your area!